Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Heroes, Living Life, and Licensing Pressure Cookers

Yesterday, Apr. 15, 2013, was the day that two bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The blasts have certainly inflicted lifelong injuries on those involved, both the kind that may and may not be actually seen.

For a few others, the cost was their lives.

This was the deplorable act of a cowardice, and I hope that he, she, or they are brought to the swiftest of justice, and harshest of penalties, equally gruesome to the suffering inflicted.

But this blog entry is less about that aspect of what happened yesterday. In the coming days and weeks there will be hundreds of articles from exactly that angle; speaking on what happened, but not addressing it.

I will be likely touching upon a few topics surrounding the bombing, so I ask you to humor me as I flit around the things in my head---- especially since commentaries were never intended to be a part of my blog.

What happened in Boston, with the pressure-cooker bombs, is unfortunately nothing new. But Americans are neither accustomed nor comfortable with the idea of such things happening right here at home. Indeed, finding custom or comfort in such things is something I hope we never achieve.

The problem is that the sheep populace of our country will soon clamor for "Safeguards." And Big Brother, just like following 9/11, will only be too happy to step further in the door.

The problem with Big Brother is that he always ends up abusing his power. More on him later...

So what do I think that we, as a nation, need?

Self accountability. Heroes. Inner strength.

I'm not just talking about the people who ran to the aid of victims, not knowing if another bomb would detonate from inside an innocuous kitchen pressure cooker (though heroes they were, and we need more like them...) We need the kind of heroes that---- even in the face of these uncertainties---- say, "I will not lock the door and draw the blinds; I will continue living, as I choose, and on my own terms!"

Whatever the the big news outlets say, or are cautious not to label it, what happened in Boston was Terrorism.

The true goal of terrorism is not to kill people, although I'm sure that most terrorists would agree it to be a happy side effect of their actions. The true goal of terrorism is terrorizing. Terrorizing the living. Terrorizing people into changing their activities. Terrorizing good people into living in terror.

More cameras on street corners will not change this. Letting the government give Big Brother a longer leash will not change this either. Not cowering in the corner after such an attack will.

Do not fret your time away wondering how you will die. Use your mind to think about how you will live! Make the terrorists exclaim, "Damn it! Now what!?"

Now allow me to switch gears. As you may or may not know, I am a proud supporter of the U.S. Bill of Rights. A hot topic in the country right now is new gun control legislation. (I'm sure you can already see where I'm going with this...)

In light of yesterday's tragedy, how would you feel about new Pressure Cooker Legislation?

Using the same argument that anti-Second Amendment gun control advocates use, if we save just one life, wouldn't it be worth it? Besides, why does anyone need a pressure cooker, anyway?

As proven yesterday, they not only have the ability to maim and kill people, but have the ability to terrorize an entire nation.

Furthermore, they have been known to burst unexpectedly in the home, causing not only personal injury, but property damage as well.

They should be serial numbered, licensed, sold through licensed dealers, and a national database kept on all pressure cooker owners. And there absolutely should be invasive background checks.

If you fail to do any of the above, you will be arrested, charged with a federal crime, and imprisoned. Because by failing to register your unlicensed pressure cooker, we can only assume that Granny isn't a hobbyist or canning enthusiast, but a terrorist in possession of bomb making materials.

What's that you say? What a ridiculous argument; it's already against the law to make bombs and murder people...? I completely agree. Which is why I am against any new gun control legislation, and further think that much existing legislation needs to be repealed due to its Unconstitutionality.

But get this: Pressure cookers are not protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Please don't be led too far off-track by my (semi) satirical approach. I am not making light of any of the people who were grievously injured or killed... This brings me to my point that we need, as a nation, more self-accountability.

Yesterday's tragedy was not the result of two kitchen appliances. It was the result of sociopath(s). If it wasn't a pressure cooker, it would've been a pipe bomb. If not a pipe bomb, then something else...

The fact is, there are evil people in this world. There always will be. They are not you, and they are not me. But they are out there.

Self-accountability? Don't blame inanimate objects. Don't dispense with vitriol on other people of whom there is no blame. Don't blame the government for not coddling and protecting you from things so completely unforeseen.

Do cry from sorrow. Do support those who have fallen from violence, and those who rush in to help. Do take joy from getting out and living life. Do celebrate your friends, and yourself every day in this life.

Everyone who can do these things truly is a hero. And we need more heroes.


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